AWKA 2007 Update: Pink – 15, Sapphires – 0

Kickball at Home PlateWe had our fifth game today of the season. I think the ladies played a great defensive game today. You might say, “How can you say that when you lost 15 to 0?” I guess you had to be there. The ladies made some key catches that they’ve never made in previous times (at least to my recollection). I think they’re beginning to understand basic kickball defensive strategy (i.e., “contain the lead runner”). Some things will come with practice that goes beyond our team practices. Some balls just bounced the wrong way for us. Other balls bounced off hands that should have caught them. Even so, I think the ladies are overcoming some of their fears in playing. That’s a good thing. I continue to maintain, as an assistant coach, that I don’t care much if we win or not. As competitive as I am, I’m a bit surprised by making that statement myself! A lot of the ladies on our team are playing the game, and playing organized sports, for the first time. I do care that they have fun, don’t get hurt, and understand how to play the game. In all three of those matters, I think we are getting better. Yet, we did have a few worrisome moments today. Our head coach, who is also a player on the team, was not feeling that well and seemed a bit dehydrated (that was a problem in a couple of games I observed today). Another player on our team caught a leg cramp. Ladies, drink your water and drink plenty of it well in advance of the game (at the very least, get plenty in the night before). Sapphires, I salute you. Though we lost, I thought you played very well.

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